Current Needs
Bed pillows
Wash cloths and towels
Especially XL twin
Paper products
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Cleaning supplies
Glass cleaner
Room deodorizers
Floor cleaner
Bathroom cleaners
All-purpose cleaners
Financial Needs
Sponsorship for first month of residency ($400)
IndyGo Bus Passes
Potential Volunteer opportunities
Lead an addictions recovery group.
Teach a Holistic Hardware course.
Become a life skills coach.
Diet/Healthy Lifestyle
Résumé Preparation
Help chaperone a recreational outing.
Or come up with an idea of your own!
Think you don't have anything to offer?
One of the most valuable gifts that can be offered is the gift of time – and a one-on-one relationship. One of the biggest hurtles that must be overcome by returning citizens is an extremely low self concept. To see that someone believes they are worth spending time with can have a greater influence than one may imagine.